Sunday, August 23, 2009

Personal Wine / Champagne Gift with receiver's name on the box

Personal wine / champagne gift with name’s receiver on the box
1 bottle (Rp. 2,000,000)
2 bottle (Rp. 3,000,000)
3 bottle (Rp. 4,000,000)

Fruit Parcel Package

Fresh Fruit Parcel Package (American)

Pakage I (Rp. 500,000)

1. Oranges
2. Apples
3. Strawberries
4. Grapes (green / purple)
5. 1 Fruit knive
6. 2 napkins

Package II (Rp. 850,000)

1. Oranges
2. Apples
3. Strawberries
4. Grapes (green / purple)
5. Pears
6. 1 Fruit knive
7. 2 napkins
8. 1 Table sheet

Valentine's Parcel Packege

Valentine’s Parcel Package

Package I (Rp. 435,000)
1. 1 box of Chocolate (American / Australian)

Package II (Rp. 1,200,000)

1. 1 bottle of Wine / Chanpagne
2. 1 wine / champagne bottle opener
3. Photo frame (silver / white)
4. 1 box of Chocolate (American / Australian)

Chinese / Japanese Tea set Parcel Package

Chinese / Japanese Tea set Parcel Package (Rp. 1,200,000)

1. Tea pot
2. 4 chinese / Japanese glasses / pot
3. 2 boxes of Chinese / Japanese tea
4. 2 tea spoon
5. Tea box holder
6. 2 napkins
7. 1 table sheet

Dinner Set Parcel Package

Dinner Set Parcel Package (Rp. 1,200,000)

1. 4 plates
2. 2 bowls
3. 2 small plates
4. Tea / Coffee pot
5. 2 cangkir + tatakan
6. 2 pretty wine glasses
7. 2 napkins
8. 1 table sheet

Baby Born Parcel Package

Baby Born Parcel Package (Rp. 525.000)

1. Teddy Bear
2. Baby outfit
3. Blanket
4. Baby hat
5. Baby gloves
6. Socks

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bath & Bed Parcel Package

Bath & Bed Parcel Package
Package I (Rp. 750,000)

1. 1 medium towel (standart)
2. 1 bath robe
3. 1 bottle of liquid bath soap (American / Australian)
4. Aroma Therapy
5. 2 soap bars
6. 1 comb
7. 1 foot scrub

Package II (Rp. 1,200,000)

1. 2 small towels - white
2. 2 medium towels (standart) - white
3. 1 Bath robe (all size) - white
4. 1 bottle of liquid bath soap (American / Australian)
5. 2 soap bars
6. Aroma therapy
7. 2 pretty bathroom candles
8. 1 Comb
9. 1 Foot scrub
10. Oil massage
11. 2 pretty wine glasses